Graduate Researcher |david.bricio@imb-cnm.csic.es +34 93 594 7700 (ext. 2485)
David Bricio Blázquez obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Physics from the Universidad de Granada (Spain) in 2018. He did his bachelor’s thesis about the diffusion of colloidal particles using the Dynamic Light Scattering technique in the Applied Physics department of the Universidad de Granada.
In 2019, he was the recipient of an Erasmus traineeship at Ulster University (United Kingdom), where he collaborated with the Safe Water project.
One year later, in 2020, he obtained a Garantía Juvenil grant and started working at the NEMS and Nanofabrication Group in IMB-CNM (CSIC), based in Barcelona.
In 2021, he finished his Master’s degree in Physics in the Nanotechnology and Applications specialty at the Universidad de Granada. He carried out his master’s thesis at the IMB-CNM, which was focused on the development of new manufacturing processes for nanoelectronic devices. Nowadays he continues working at the IMB-CNM, and has specialized in the fabrication of semiconductor-based quantum computing devices.