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PhD Students

Christian Pinto GómezUAB PhD. 2018

Directed self-assembly of block copolymers for the fabrication of nanomechanical structures.

After the PhD, he is working for ASML (NL).

Steven GottliebUAB PhD. 2018

High-resolution guiding patterns for the directed self-assembly of block copolimers. (Doctorate Excellence Award)

After the PhD, he moved to the private sector (consultancy).

Ana Conde Rubio UB PhD. 2018

Simulations, nanofabrication and optical characterization of plasmonic nanostructures.

After the PhD, she moved to EPFL, where she is working as posdoctoral researcher.

Federico GramazioUAB PhD. 2018

Determination of nanomechanical properties of surfaces by Atomic Force Microscopy using higher harmonics.

Laura Evangelio AraujoUAB PhD. 2017

Directed self-assembly of block copolymers on chemically nano-patterned surfaces. (Doctorate Excellence Award)

After the PhD, she moved to Dow Corning, where she is working as TS&D Researcher.

Jordi Llobet SixtoUAB PhD. 2016

Focused Ion Beam implantation as a tool for the fabrication of nano electromechanical devices.

After his PhD, he was a postdoctoral researcher at the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (Portugal, 2017-2021) at back in our group in 2021-2022. He is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the ALBA synchrotron.

Yigezu Mulugeta BirhaneUAB PhD. 2014

Development of conductive SPM probes for applications in biology.

After the PhD, he was enrolled in different research groups in Ethiopia. (Addis Ababa Institute of Technology)

Nerea Alayo BuenoUAB PhD. 2013

Fabrication methods for functional nanoparticles and interdigitated nanoelectrodes.

She made a postdoc at Univ. of Washington. She is now researcher at Catalan Institute for Research in Energy.

Giordano TosoliniUAB PhD. 2013

Force sensors based on piezoresistive and MOSFET cantilevers for biomolecular sensing.

He made a post.doc at the Italian Institute of Technology. He is a senior engineer at Infineon technologies, Germany.

Marc Sansa PernaUAB PhD. 2013

Characterization of nanomechanical resonators based on silicon nanowires.

After the PhD, he started a post-doc at CEA-LETI where he got a permanent research position.

Iñigo Martín FernándezUAB PhD. 2010

RTCVD synthesis of carbon nanotubes and their wafer scale integration into FET and sensor processes.

Irene Fernández CuestaUAB PhD. 2009

NanoImprint Lithography: Developments and nanodevices fabrication.

I did my PhD at CNM in Barcelona in 2009, where I learned about micro and nano fabrication, and working with nanodevices. Then, I moved to the Technical University of Denmark, where I got a Marie Curie IOF, and started working with DNA. I then spent four years in Berkeley, working with nanofluidics and plasmonics, and where I started a company. Since 2014 I’m a group leader at the University of Hamburg, where we focus on using the nano devices for single biomolecule analysis.

Gemma Rius Suñé – UAB PhD. 2008

Electron beam lithography for Nanofabrication.

Cristina Martín OlmosUAB PhD. 2008

Micro/Nano fabrication of polymer-based devices.

Julien Arcamone – UAB PhD. 2007

Integration of Nanomechanical Sensors on CMOS by Nanopatterning Methods.

Luís Guillermo Villanueva Torrijo – UAB PhD. 2006

Development of cantilevers for biomolecular measurements

Post-Doctoral Researchers

Esteve Amat (2016-2021)

Esteve was a post-doctoral researcher in the IONS4SET European project. He is currently in the Radiation Detectors Group.

Rosa Letizia zaffino (2018-2019)

Rossella was a post-doctoral researcher working in nanofabrication. She is currently Research Technician at ICMAB (CSIC).

Angelos Streklas (2015-2018)

Angelos was a post-doctoral researcher in the HEARTEN European project.

Matteo Lorenzoni (2014-2017)

Matteo was a post-doctoral researcher in AFM characterization methods.

Beri Mbenkum (2011-2013)

Beri was a post-doctoral researcher working in bottom-up nanofabrication.

Alvaro San Paulo (2008-2011)

Alvaro was promoted to CSIC Tenured Scientist and he later moved to IMN-CNM (CSIC).

Research Engineers

Albert Alcacer

He was a research engineer at the NEMS and Nanofabrication group from 2015 to 2022. He worked in the design, fabrication and characterization of silicon-based electrochemical microsensors like ISFET (Ion-Sensitive Field-Effect Transistor) devices, and the analytical instrumentation for the detection and quantification of biomarkers.
His research was framed by technological healthcare projects within the EU Programme for Research and Innovation, aiming to improve the diagnosis and therapy monitoring of heart failure patients.He received his B.Sc. in Electronics Engineering from the Polytechnics University of Catalonia, 2014, after a one-year stay in the robotics department of the Technical University of Darmstadt (Germany), where he specialized in the design and programming of embedded electronic systems. Later, he received his M.Eng. degree in IoT technologies for eHealth from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, 2020.
He is currently Technical Project Lead in NEXTIUM by Idneo.

David Bricio

David Bricio Blázquez obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Physics from the Universidad de Granada (Spain) in 2018. He did his bachelor’s thesis about the diffusion of colloidal particles using the Dynamic Light Scattering technique in the Applied Physics department of the Universidad de Granada. In 2019, he was the recipient of an Erasmus traineeship at Ulster University (United Kingdom), where he collaborated with the Safe Water project. One year later, in 2020, he obtained a Garantía Juvenil grant and started working at the NEMS and Nanofabrication Group in IMB-CNM (CSIC), based in Barcelona. In 2021, he finished his Master’s degree in Physics in the Nanotechnology and Applications specialty at the Universidad de Granada.
He carried out his master’s thesis at the IMB-CNM, which was focused on the development of new manufacturing processes for nanoelectronic devices. He then worked at the IMB-CNM on the fabrication of semiconductor-based quantum computing devices. In mid-2022 he moved to a consulting company.

Team members

Nil FontanalsMaster Student. 2015
Alex ChuquitarquiMaster Student. 2015
Sophie VerhaegheMaster Student Internship. 2015
Daniel Ruso2012-2014
Lorea OriaResearch Engineer 2009-2012