Research Professor |joan.bausells@imb-cnm.csic.es +34 93 594 7700 (ext. 435412)
Joan Bausells received the Ph.D. degree in Physics from the University of Barcelona, Spain, in 1986. From 1981 to 1986, he was an R&D Engineer in the semiconductor industry. In 1986 he joined IMB-CNM, where he has been a permanent researcher since 1988, and a Research Professor since 2002. At IMB-CNM, he has been Manager of the Sensors and Actuators Group (1990-1996), the Microsystems Department (1999-2002), the Nanotechnology Group (2002-2006), and has been Vicedirector (2008-2012) and Director (2012). He has also been a part-time Professor in the Department of Electronic Engineering, Autonomous University of Barcelona, from 1992 to 2018.
His early work was on theory of condensed matter and in microelectronics technology. His research activities in the microsystems field, started in 1990, include contributions to micromachining technology, CMOS sensors, MEMS design kits and (bio)chemical sensors. He pioneered the fabrication of ISFET (ion-sensitive field-effect transistor) devices in commercial unmodified CMOS processes. This method, later developed by other researchers, has led to the commercial “Ion TorrentTM” chips for Next Generation DNA Sequencing. The work on (bio)chemical sensors has continued on the development and integration of micro and nano sensor devices for medical applications, in collaboration with international analytical chemistry research groups. In 2002 he started work in NEMS technology and devices, mainly in (piezoresistive) micro/nano cantilevers for biomolecular detection. The emphasis was later reoriented to nanoelectronic devices such as single-electron transistors, and his current research activity is focused on the development of technologies for semiconductor-based quantum computing, mainly on spin qubits in quantum dots.
He has participated in 19 projects of the European Research Framework Programmes, 12 of them as Principal Investigator and 2 of them as European Coordinator. He is the coauthor (2023) of 150 journal papers and 275 conference presentations.
Prof. Bausells was a member (2015-2021) of the International Steering Committee of the TRANSDUCERS conferences, and member (2016-2021) of the Editorial Board of the Microelectronic Engineering journal published by Elsevier.